Is there something missing from your riding?
Do you dream of being a better rider?
If somewhere deep down inside you think you can be better; you can and I will help you!
Why not feel more confident, realize your riding potential, and live life to the fullest of your dreams?
You deserve to enjoy life the way it was intended to be, which includes having a successful and meaningful relationship with your equine partner!
Do yourself a favour, try a Gina riding lesson today. You will build your confidence and improve your riding in a safe and fun learning environment!
Learn from an Equine Canada Competition Coach Specialist and a BCRPA Fitness Professional where you will master your riding skills in an ENCOURAGING, FUN, and SAFE environment!
Lessons provide you with insight into the importance of and how to achieve your power position, allowing you to fine tune your riding skills and build your confidence!
You can also inquire about fitness programs based on your specific& needs and goals which will compliment your riding and ensure your success!
Contact information
Riding Instruction or Fitness programs
Gina @ ginaallanequestrian@gmail.com
“Equitfit classes with Gina Allan have had an enormously positive impact on my riding. The classes with Gina are upbeat and fun! I really appreciate that she clearly connects each exercise to our balance and effectiveness as riders. Improvements in my strength and coordination have been noted by my coach, and I have felt my horse respond positively to my increased stability in the saddle.”
— Sarah L.
“Gina’s knowledge, passion, and caring for both horse and rider are integral to her program and exercises. The Equifit classes have improved my posture, alignment, strength, balance, and flexibility—for riding and for everyday life! The benefits help me be more confident in the saddle when my pony acts up. I can feel her relaxation when I use the muscles appropriately, and we are way more in sync with each other. This fitness is such an important foundation for me. If I didn’t have it I would just keep reinforcing all of the bad habits and poor position for riding, and I would be in pain.”
— Audrey C
“I would like to write something to say Equifitness has helped my riding but I haven’t ridden in almost a year,
but… Equifitness is making me feel stronger and more balanced so that when I get back on my horse in a week or I won’t feel like I am starting from scratch as I have in the past. I’m looking forward to updating you on how I feel when I get back on. That will be the test. I will be doing the class via recording 2 more times at least before I tack up.
“Thank you for doing what you do
— Tania W. “