Clinics and Equifit Workshops


noun, verb, adverb: def. – a unique combination of Equestrian Skill and Top Level Fitness

Gina has, as a result of her passion for helping people, developed fitness programs and riding lessons which focus on improving back health, balance, core strength and posture. Whether you want to improve your body, your back health, or you’d like to improve your riding, Gina can help you achieve your goals. Gina combines her extensive knowledge of body mechanics and alignment when teaching her fitness classes. She has coupled this knowledge with her years of experience in the Equestrian Arts to develop her new Equifitness program.Equifitness is a two-hour workshop that provides you with an opportunity to develop your knowledge and understanding of how your body functions when riding your horse. We discover ways to improve your personal performance and create greater cohesion when riding your horse. Whether you simply want to have better posture or to become a better rider, Gina will help you find a winning combination of exercises to help you be your best!

Equifitness is one of the many fitness classes Gina teaches along-side her Equestrian Coaching. Her programs allow you the opportunity to develop your knowledge and understanding of your body functions best while improving your personal performance. Whether you simply want to improve your posture or become a better rider, Gina will help you find a winning combination of exercises designed to help you become the best you can be. Gina is well known for her endless energy and enthusiasm, and is highly respected and much-loved by her students.

Enjoy one of Gina’s workshops, clinics or lessons to experience the energy, exercise, learning, and laughter in a friendly, safe environment.

You’ll be glad you did!

Please contact Gina at for more details if you or your group would like more information.

Please note clinic organizers will receive a gift coupon of up to $200 towards Equifitness Clinics when full.

Book yours today!


Private or semi-private lessons available
Price will vary with location

Please contact Gina at for more information